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St. Paul Schools / Somali activist seeks board seat (22%)
05/10/07...Deb Nygren and Kathleen Rysgaard contributed to this report. Doug Belden can be reached at or 651-228-5136... St. Paul / School board vacancy gets slight response (22%)
05/01/07...chaired the district's capital expenditure advisory committee. Doug Belden can be reached at or 651-228-5136... - There are 3 posts in this topic.
- Latest post made by Sharon4 Anderson at 2007-05-12 04:37 (UTC)
File From Date Sharon4 Anderson 2007-05-12 04:37 (UTC Search engine is the reporters name: Educational Reporter Doug Belden
Public Notice: Filings for School Board end 14May07 Monday
Please put your educational talents where your IQ ends.
We should have over 20 candidates filing.
Sharon4Anderson Candidate Ward (2) is seeking the interim position
to abolish Owertig's position , Salarys of $900.00 monthly
for this partime work: same as Sharons Social Security is burdonsome on the
taxpayers: Sharon Self Taught Blogger scrool
to previous posts for application online. Sharon 1956 St. Paul Central Grad,
ECF filer
pacer accts. for educational purposes the US Dist.02-0332(Rosenbaum)
files must be re uploaded, must implement State Court E Filings for the
protection of the public, realestate claims, educational information.All posts in Letter from Denver Supt and School Board: St. Paul Issues Forum:Recent Comments
nd School Board: St. Paul Issues Forum: